Swaziland April 2018
Alton's Chickens and Broiler mix
We hit the road again to Swaziland. We definitely plan on farming there in the future.
We visited farmer Alton to follow up on his chickens. You can see our previous visit on this blog post.
Here we are getting a shot of Spogo, translated from Siswati to "Spook", one of his favorites.
Here is Alton's newest breed that he created. It's a broiler mix chicken. This bird has a bit of Cornish Cross and Indian in it. It's quite heavy with wide hips and thick drumsticks. The thing about broilers is that they are difficult to breed with, their sex organs are almost always dormant because they have been genetically manipulated not to have offspring. So seeing this chicken was interesting.
We will catch up with him again in June.